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Sold Out
Solid brass fasteners are much stronger than many alternatives. Flexible prongs are versatile enough to meet many project requirements, and their larger head size prevents fasteners from pulling back through the holes they've punched.
Sold Out
Solid brass fasteners are much stronger than many alternatives. Flexible prongs are versatile enough to meet many project requirements, and their larger head size prevents fasteners from pulling back through the holes they've punched.
Sold Out
Solid brass fasteners are much stronger than many alternatives. Flexible prongs are versatile enough to meet many project requirements, and their larger head size prevents fasteners from pulling back through the holes they've punched.
Sold Out
Solid brass fasteners are much stronger than many alternatives. Flexible prongs are versatile enough to meet many project requirements, and their larger head size prevents fasteners from pulling back through the holes they've punched.
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